Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Axe is too much, all the time

Axe body wash and deodorant commercials are everywhere. Every time I see one they all deal with seemingly 'hot' girls with young teenage boys, trying to get them clean. This ad, for Lynx body wash (lynx and axe go together) was in a skateboarding magazine. Axe used to target all teenage boys as well as 20 somethings. But now, with all the Old Spice commercials and ads for their products, Axe really has become a second or third choice among men. So, an ad like this scream 'desperate!' at me. We've all seen someone in a bikini, so although I see a pretty girl in a bikini, the lynx part of it doesn't reach to me at all, even though they aren't aiming it towards me. the only clue this advertisement is even for a body wash is because the girl's abs say 'wash me.' Really? She's not a car, and it's the oldest joke in the book. Axe & Lynx need to give it up and take a back seat to Old Spice. Perhaps a new approach is what they need. Sex sells, but only to an extent. Give it up.

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