Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'll raise my right hand!

The best campaign I have seen in a while is the 'Women of the World, Raise Your Right Hand," which started a few years ago by DeBeers and the Diamond Trading Company, one of their subsidiary's. I remember seeing in ad in either Glamour or Elle magazine, both of which are targeted to the same demographic, that stuck with me on impact even though it wasn't flashy. It was the words written that made it connect with me. The words said ""Your left hand says you're taken, your right hand says you can take over. Your left hand celebrates the day you were married. Your right hand celebrates the day you were born. Women of the world, raise your right hand." This is/was a campaign celebrated not only single women, but all independent women everywhere. I'm still only 20 years old and not close to being married yet, but as a young, free women I would be first in line to buy one of these diamond rings. The campaign focused strictly on print ads, showing how powerful the message being sent was since they did not rely on TV or radio at all. The words in each ad vary from ad to ad, although all send the same overall message. And they certainly have me raising my right hand!!

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