Monday, August 30, 2010

Chic in your pants? You're 2!

This past spring my roommate and I had seen a commercial for Huggies diapers. Normally neither one of us would pay any attention to a Huggies commercial, simply because it has nothing to do with us. However as soon as I looked away I turned back because the narrator had a french accent, which is not common in American commercials, especially those that are for diapers. After watching the commercial I remember saying "that's just weird." Turns out the commercial is entitled 'I've got chic in my pants,' advertising Huggies new denim blue diapers. Why a company would even resort to making this kind of variation, and let alone advertise it in this way is beyond me. 

There are many issues I have with this commercial, which was short lived because it got banned after too many people complained it was inappropriate. First off, the product is diaper. It does not need to be 'chic,' because the only thing it deals with is poop and pee. Second, the person wearing this diaper is one or two years old, with no care and no idea if what they are wearing is stylish. Finally, 'Chic in my pants' turns sexual when you add in the hot, 20 something girls staring this baby down. There is nothing mesmorizing about a child in a diaper. The fact that women are staring at him is more creepy than anything else.

I could probably think of a few more reasons why I think this commercial is stupid and somewhat inappropriate. However, it was taken off the air months ago and I'm still talking about it. So it obviously had some effect. I may not be a mom buying my child diapers but if I was, the last thing my son or daughter would be wearing after seeing that would be a Huggies denim diaper.

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